Steve Maddalena
Steve Maddalena
Jackson, MI

Tournament Results
2025Jones Cup SeniorT67
 Society of Seniors Spring Classic16
 Society of Seniors Jack Hesler11
 Golfweek Senior POY Classic22
2024Golfweek Senior DesertT7
 Reynolds Senior26
 Senior Porter Cup6
 North & South SeniorT16
 Society of Seniors Jack HeslerWinner
 Friendship Cup7
 Huddleston Cup11
 SOS Dale MoreyT3
 Trans-Miss Senior Amateur10
 Society of Seniors Senior MastersT13
 Golfweek Senior AmateurT31
 Golfweek Senior National T40
 Jones Cup SeniorT54
 Society of Seniors Spring Classic15
 Golfweek Senior POY ClassicT7
 Heron Creek SeniorWinner
2023Society of Seniors Founders CupT5
 SOS Fall ClassicT2
 Senior Porter Cup2
 North & South SeniorT6
 U.S. Senior Amateur QualifyingQualifier
 Society of Seniors Jack Hesler3
 Friendship CupT3
 National Senior Hall of FameT9
 SOS Dale Morey12
 Society of Seniors Senior MastersT16
 Golfweek Senior AmateurT58
 Golfweek Senior National T18
 Jones Cup SeniorT58
 Society of Seniors Spring ClassicT16
 Golfweek Senior POY Classic8
 Heron Creek SeniorT4
2022Society of Seniors Founders Cup3
 Golfweek Senior Desert14
 SOS Dale MoreyT3
 Senior Porter CupT4
 North & South SeniorT28
 Society of Seniors Jack Hesler2
 National Senior Hall of FameT26
 Society of Seniors Senior Masters10
 Golfweek Senior Amateur46
 Jones Cup SeniorT16
 Society of Seniors Spring Classic12
 Golfweek Senior POY ClassicT8
 Heron Creek Senior10
2021Society of Seniors Founders CupT9
 SOS Dale MoreyT3
 Senior Azalea InvitationalT14
 Senior Porter CupWinner
 North & South SeniorT23
 Trans-Miss Senior AmateurWinner
 Society of Seniors Senior MastersT7
 Jones Cup SeniorT44
 Society of Seniors Spring ClassicT3
 Golfweek Senior POY ClassicT18
 Heron Creek SeniorT25
2020Society of Seniors Founders CupT2
 Golfweek Senior Challenge CupT23
 SOS Dale MoreyT4
 Sunnehanna SeniorT14
 North & South SeniorT7
 Golfweek Senior National Match PlayRunner-up
 Society of Seniors Jack HeslerT13
 Jones Cup SeniorT48
 Golfweek Senior POY Classic27
 Kingsway Senior InvitationalT10
2019Society of Seniors Founders CupT7
 SOS Golfweek Challenge4
 SOS Dale Morey6
 U.S. Senior AmateurFinal 64
 Golfweek Senior National Match PlaySemifinals
 Society of Seniors Jack HeslerT5
 Society of Seniors Senior MastersT3
2018SOS Dale MoreyT4
 Society of Seniors Jack HeslerT23
2017SOS Dale MoreyT2
 SOS Fall ClassicT6
2016SOS Dale MoreyT37

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