Studied Political Science and History at SUNY, graduating in 1989. Turned Pro in 1990 and in 1991 won the New Hampshire PGA Champion with a total of 138, winning by five (5) shots. Left golf in 1993 and have been in sales for the last 30 year. You can learn more about me at https://www.linkedin.com/in/geoffholt1/ .

Home Course
Red Tail Golf Club
Devens, MA

Favorite Course
Eastward Ho Country Club
Chatham, MA
Holes-in-one: 0
But will keep trying. :)
College team
State University of New York, New Paltz.
Golf destinations wish list
The next tournament.
Golf. Gardens. My wife and kids. And to just keep showing up.
Greatest Golf Moment
Still to come . . .