Robert Gerwin II
Robert Gerwin II
Cincinnati, OH
Current Index: +2.7

Seminole Golf Club

Home Course
Seminole Golf Club
Juno Beach, FL

Holes-in-one:   0

High school team
St. Xavier High School

College team
Furman University

Family, Golf

Tournament Results
2024U.S. Senior Amateur QualifyingMedalist
 U.S. Senior AmateurFinal 64
 Sunnehanna SeniorT10
 George Thomas InvitationalWinner
 The Singles at NGLAWin
 Lupton Senior Invitational9
 Coleman Senior InvitationalT17
 Jones Cup SeniorT11
2023Crump CupT5
 North & South SeniorT2
 U.S. Senior OpenMC
 U.S. Senior Open Local QualifyingQualifier
 Lupton Senior InvitationalT26
 Trans-Miss Senior AmateurT13
 Coleman Senior InvitationalT10
 Jones Cup SeniorT11
2022Senior Porter Cup3
 North & South SeniorT5
 Senior British OpenMC
 Senior British Open QualifyingQualifier
 George Thomas InvitationalT2
 The Singles at NGLASemifinals
 Coleman Senior InvitationalT2
2021George Thomas InvitationalT22
2020Ohio AmateurT10
2019George Thomas InvitationalT14
 Lupton Memorial InvitationalT19
 Coleman InvitationalT27
2018George Thomas InvitationalT22
 Coleman InvitationalT52
2017U.S. Mid-Am QualifyingQualifier
 George Thomas InvitationalT22
 Lupton Memorial InvitationalT12
 Coleman InvitationalT34
2016George Thomas InvitationalT11
2015George Thomas InvitationalT8
 Lupton Memorial InvitationalT7
2014George Thomas InvitationalT14
 Lupton Memorial InvitationalT2
 Coleman InvitationalT12
2013George Thomas InvitationalT6
 Coleman InvitationalT8
2012USGA Men's State TeamT14
 George Thomas InvitationalT2
2011U.S. Mid-AmateurFinal 32
2010U.S. Mid-AmateurFinal 64
 Azalea Invitational T38
2009U.S. Mid-AmateurSemifinals
 Azalea Invitational T36
2008Crump CupQuarterfinals
 Coleman Invitational4
 Terra Cotta InvitationalT20
2017USGA US Mid amateur USGACapital city
2014USGA US Mid amateur USGASaucon Valley
2011USGA US Mid amateur USGAShawdow Hawk
2010USGA Amateur USGAChambers Bay
 USGA US Mid amateur USGAAtlantic CC
2009USGA Amateur USGASouthern Hills
 USGA US Mid amateur USGAKiawah Island
2008USGA Amateur USGAPinehurst Resort
2007USGA Amateur USGAOlympic club
2006USGA Amateur USGAHazeltine National
 USGA US Mid amateur USGAForest Highlands
2005USGA Amateur USGAMerion Golf Club
2004USGA US Mid amateur USGASea Island Resort
2002USGA Amateur USGAOakland Hills
2001USGA US Mid amateur USGASan Joaquin CC
2000USGA US Mid amateur USGAThe Homestead
1999USGA Amateur USGAPebble Beach
 USGA US Mid amateurOld Warson
1998USGA Amateur USGAOak Hill
 USGA US Mid amateur USGANCR Country club
1997USGA Amateur USGACog Hill
 USGA US Mid amateur USGADallas Athletic club
1996USGA US Mid amateur USGAHartford CC
1995USGA Amateur USGAPumpkin Ridge
 USGA US Mid amateur USGACaves Valley
1994USGA Amateur USGATPC Stadium Course Jacksonville
1993USGA Amateur USGAChampions Houston
1988USGA Amateur USGAThe Homestead

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