amateurgolf.com 2011 Christmas Classic
December 03 - 04 2011
Monterey, CA


Tournament Overview


The tournament is now full, but you can get on the waiting list by sending your name, email, and profile to tournaments (at sign) amateurgolf.com. Amateurgolf.com members will be given priority.

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The Christmas Classic was founded by 2-time California State Amateur Champion Casey Boyns over 20 years ago and it always attracts a great field. This is our most popular event and it fills quickly, so register early.

Your entry fee includes two rounds of golf (cart at players expense), $7000 in prizes, lunch on BOTH days and a great weekend at two of the Monterey Peninsula's wonderful classic courses, "Old" Del Monte and Pacific Grove Golf Links. Register early before the event sells out, as it does each year.

NOTE COURSE ROTA: Both Divisions play an 8:30 shotgun on Saturday at Pacific Grove and a 9:00 shotgun on Sunday at Del Monte.

Search Terms

Format: Stroke Play
Categories: Men, Men Senior, Women
Regions: Northern California, Southern California


Del Monte Golf Course Del Monte Golf Course
1300 Sylvan Rd
Monterey, CA  93940-4944
phone: 831-373-2700 or 800-654-9300
url: www.pebblebeach.com

Other Tournament Courses

Pacific Grove Golf Links

Tournament News

16770137Jeffrey HammDanville, CA
17067137Grant RappleyeRancho Cordova, CA
16572137Nick SakoMenlo Park, CA
46771138Cameron RappleyeElk Grove, CA
46870138Michael WeaverFresno, CA
66973142Cody BlickDanville, CA
66874142Adam PetrocelliSalinas, USA
67171142Hunter RappleyeElk Grove, CA
67072142paul smithTURLOCK, CA
66973142Steve WilsonAntioch, CA
116974143Tyler RaberEl Macero, CA
127173144Kevin KobalterSan Rafael, CA
126777144Barry LogarFairfield, CA
127569144Marcus PotterSan Jose, CA
127371144Austin RobertsCarmichael, CA
127371144Michael TolladayFresno, CA
127371144Mark WyllieSan Jose, CA
187174145Nicolo GallettiPleasanton, CA
187372145Chris Moreno-HuntOakland, CA
207274146Ian AttardDanville, CA
207175146Chris GriggsCarmichael , CA
207472146Steven WarneSanta Rosa, CA
206977146Matt WilliamsChico, CA
246978147Jeff CarneySan Mateo, CA
247077147Anthony MachiPleasanton, CA
247473147Travis RowneyLivermore, CA
247473147Owen TaylorSan Juan Capistrano, CA
247275147Nick ThomasWestlake Village, CA
297375148Jamie CoreBerkeley, CA
297276148Ian DickesonFremont, CA
297177148Adam GreeneMonterey, CA
297078148Lawrence O'NeillSalinas, CA
297375148Dave RathjenSan Jose, CA
297276148Eric TaylorSacramento, CA
357376149Richard AyalaHillsborough, CA
357376149Spencer BlodgettLafayette, CA
357178149Tharusyan PillaySan Jose, CA
387278150Shintaro BanSan Jose, CA
387476150Connor BlickAlamo, CA
387179150Alex HartzellSan Francisco, CA
387278150Robert PardenSaratoga, CA
427675151Jay BurlisonSalinas, CA
427675151Benjamin CorfeeSacramento, CA
447577152Dale BouguennecPinehurst, NC
447181152O. LinCupertino, CA
467479153David AhmadianLos Gatos, CA
467281153Taylor BromleyPenryn, CA
487480154Troy LaughlinYorba Linda, CA
487678154Juan Lopezlakeport, CA
487579154David MannixOrinda, CA
517481155Ben ShurVentura, CA
517283155Tak TaoyamaSan Jose, CA
537878156Ben HunterDavis, CA
537779156Jordan SwansonElk Grove, CA
558077157Chris MangoldVictorville, CA
557681157Weston PayneBerkeley, CA
557681157David StaszkoSan Jose, CA
558275157Bret WagarMorgan Hill, CA
597484158Sean EtowAptos, CA
597088158Stephen GriggsFoster City, CA
617586161Edward PulpanSoquel, CA
617883161Pete WlodkowskiSan Diego, CA
637686162Haejun LeeScotts valley, CA
637983162Drew RobbinsFair Oaks, CA
658084164Kelly CooperA, CA
667590165John ScholtzSan Jose, CA
678087167Timothy YagerSan Jose, CA
689292184Joshua Pulpansaratoga, CA
6975dqdqAndrew RobertsSacramento, CA
70l06wdl06Mark OrtegaLas Vegas, NV
7177ncncBryan BeaverOakley, CA
7182ncncTimothy MoranSoquel, CA
7177ncncDennis PolitiLos Gatos, CA
7476wdwdRoshan ChekuriPleasanton, CA
74wdwdwdMatt MaherLos Altos, CA
74wdwdwdAndrew MatagranoHillsborough, USA
74wdwdwdChris RoboneDanville, CA
74wdwdwdGary ZancanelliLeawood, KS
Senior Championship
16573138Jim KnollSunnyvale, CA
27270142Casey BoynsMONTEREY, CA
26874142Mark MillerMarina, CA
47173144Rob AdolphFresno, CA
57571146Charles RichesinLodi, CA
67473147Kevin RappleyeElk Grove, CA
77674150Michael DonnellySanta Cruz, CA
77179150John SeedSea Ranch, CA
97477151Neil DuffySanta Cruz, CA
107380153Jeff BrittonCarmel, USA
107380153Ken NoonanPacific Grove, CA
127678154Pierre LaMotheCarmel, CA
137778155Herb JensenCarmichael , CA
147781158Tyler RaberEl Macero, CA
157782159Steve DonnellySalinas, CA
167885163Tom CraigLafayette, CA
168677163Gary ManierySacramento, CA
188282164Eric BoyceStockton, CA
198491175Craig SwarthoutSan Jose, CA
208799186Vince AdamsHinton St Mary, England
2182wdwdRobert GoodwinAtherton, CA
2178wdwdRob SchneiderNevada City, CA
16576141Vincent SteeleConcord, CA
26874142Todd KnappSalinas, CA
37075145Tom SilvaTurlock, CA
47175146Rob VieiraStockton, CA
57077147Charles BalishaTurlock, CA
66782149Marc SandersTurlock, CA
78070150Tony SumidaTemple City, CA
87477151Rob HilemanDenair, CA
98073153John BorrelliNewman, CA
108074154Fred LuperHidden Valley Lake, CA
117382155Gene HouseKentfield, CA
127087157Nilo MiaSan Francisco, CA
137980159Dave NikitinVacaville, CA
147587162Scott CarelliMenlo Park, CA
147686162James CottonDavis, CA
167786163Frank AngeloMoraga, CA
178183164Lyle CovinoBrisbane, CA
189279171Richard HochTurlock, CA

Pairings for Round 2 on Sunday December 4 follow.

DM Tee #10A 09:00 AM
Rob AdolphFresno, CASenior Championship
Jim KnollSunnyvale, CASenior Championship
Mark MillerMarina, CASenior Championship
John SeedSea Ranch, CASenior Championship
DM Tee #11A 09:00 AM
Michael DonnellySanta Cruz, CASenior Championship
Neil DuffySanta Cruz, CASenior Championship
Pierre LaMotheCarmel, CASenior Championship
Charles RichesinLodi, CASenior Championship
DM Tee #11B 09:00 AM
Casey BoynsMONTEREY, CASenior Championship
Jeff BrittonCarmel, USASenior Championship
Ken NoonanPacific Grove, CASenior Championship
Kevin RappleyeElk Grove, CASenior Championship
DM Tee #12A 09:00 AM
Tom CraigLafayette, CASenior Championship
Steve DonnellySalinas, CASenior Championship
Herb JensenCarmichael , CASenior Championship
Tyler RaberEl Macero, CASenior Championship
DM Tee #13A 09:00 AM
Eric BoyceStockton, CASenior Championship
Craig SwarthoutSan Jose, CASenior Championship
DM Tee #13B 09:00 AM
Vince AdamsHinton St Mary, EnglandSenior Championship
Gary ManierySacramento, CASenior Championship
Joshua Pulpansaratoga, CAChampionship
DM Tee #14A 09:00 AM
Gene HouseKentfield, CANet
Nilo MiaSan Francisco, CANet
Tom SilvaTurlock, CANet
Rob VieiraStockton, CANet
DM Tee #15A 09:00 AM
Charles BalishaTurlock, CANet
Todd KnappSalinas, CANet
Marc SandersTurlock, CANet
Vincent SteeleConcord, CANet
DM Tee #16A 09:00 AM
Frank AngeloMoraga, CANet
Scott CarelliMenlo Park, CANet
James CottonDavis, CANet
Rob HilemanDenair, CANet
DM Tee #16B 09:00 AM
John BorrelliNewman, CANet
Fred LuperHidden Valley Lake, CANet
Tony SumidaTemple City, CANet
DM Tee #17A 09:00 AM
Ben HunterDavis, CAChampionship
Chris MangoldVictorville, CAChampionship
Drew RobbinsFair Oaks, CAChampionship
Pete WlodkowskiSan Diego, CAChampionship
DM Tee #17B 09:00 AM
Juan Lopezlakeport, CAChampionship
Jordan SwansonElk Grove, CAChampionship
DM Tee #18A 09:00 AM
Kelly CooperA, CAChampionship
Bret WagarMorgan Hill, CAChampionship
Timothy YagerSan Jose, CAChampionship
DM Tee #18B 09:00 AM
Lyle CovinoBrisbane, CANet
Richard HochTurlock, CANet
Dave NikitinVacaville, CANet
DM Tee #1A 09:00 AM
Cody BlickDanville, CAChampionship
Adam PetrocelliSalinas, USAChampionship
Michael WeaverFresno, CAChampionship
Steve WilsonAntioch, CAChampionship
DM Tee #1B 09:00 AM
Jeffrey HammDanville, CAChampionship
Barry LogarFairfield, CAChampionship
Cameron RappleyeElk Grove, CAChampionship
Nick SakoMenlo Park, CAChampionship
DM Tee #2A 09:00 AM
Anthony MachiPleasanton, CAChampionship
Lawrence O'NeillSalinas, CAChampionship
Grant RappleyeRancho Cordova, CAChampionship
paul smithTURLOCK, CAChampionship
DM Tee #2B 09:00 AM
Jeff CarneySan Mateo, CAChampionship
Stephen GriggsFoster City, CAChampionship
Tyler RaberEl Macero, CAChampionship
Matt WilliamsChico, CAChampionship
DM Tee #3A 09:00 AM
Chris GriggsCarmichael , CAChampionship
Kevin KobalterSan Rafael, CAChampionship
Tharusyan PillaySan Jose, CAChampionship
Hunter RappleyeElk Grove, CAChampionship
DM Tee #3B 09:00 AM
Nicolo GallettiPleasanton, CAChampionship
Adam GreeneMonterey, CAChampionship
Alex HartzellSan Francisco, CAChampionship
O. LinCupertino, CAChampionship
DM Tee #4A 09:00 AM
Ian AttardDanville, CAChampionship
Robert PardenSaratoga, CAChampionship
Eric TaylorSacramento, CAChampionship
Nick ThomasWestlake Village, CAChampionship
DM Tee #5A 09:00 AM
Shintaro BanSan Jose, CAChampionship
Taylor BromleyPenryn, CAChampionship
Ian DickesonFremont, CAChampionship
Tak TaoyamaSan Jose, CAChampionship
DM Tee #6A 09:00 AM
Richard AyalaHillsborough, CAChampionship
Jamie CoreBerkeley, CAChampionship
Chris Moreno-HuntOakland, CAChampionship
Michael TolladayFresno, CAChampionship
DM Tee #7A 09:00 AM
Sean EtowAptos, CAChampionship
Ben ShurVentura, CAChampionship
Owen TaylorSan Juan Capistrano, CAChampionship
Steven WarneSanta Rosa, CAChampionship
DM Tee #7B 09:00 AM
Spencer BlodgettLafayette, CAChampionship
Dave RathjenSan Jose, CAChampionship
Mark WyllieSan Jose, CAChampionship
DM Tee #8A 09:00 AM
David AhmadianLos Gatos, CAChampionship
Connor BlickAlamo, CAChampionship
Troy LaughlinYorba Linda, CAChampionship
Travis RowneyLivermore, CAChampionship
DM Tee #8B 09:00 AM
Dale BouguennecPinehurst, NCChampionship
David MannixOrinda, CAChampionship
Marcus PotterSan Jose, CAChampionship
Austin RobertsCarmichael, CAChampionship
DM Tee #9A 09:00 AM
Jay BurlisonSalinas, CAChampionship
Haejun LeeScotts valley, CAChampionship
Weston PayneBerkeley, CAChampionship
DM Tee #9B 09:00 AM
Benjamin CorfeeSacramento, CAChampionship
Edward PulpanSoquel, CAChampionship
John ScholtzSan Jose, CAChampionship
David StaszkoSan Jose, CAChampionship

David AhmadianLos Gatos, CA
Ian AttardDanville, CA
Richard AyalaHillsborough, CA
Shintaro BanSan Jose, CA
Bryan BeaverOakley, CA
Cody BlickDanville, CA
Connor BlickAlamo, CA
Spencer BlodgettLafayette, CA
Dale BouguennecPinehurst, NC
Taylor BromleyPenryn, CA
Jay BurlisonSalinas, CA
Jeff CarneySan Mateo, CA
Roshan ChekuriPleasanton, CA
Kelly CooperA, CA
Jamie CoreBerkeley, CA
Benjamin CorfeeSacramento, CA
Ian DickesonFremont, CA
Sean EtowAptos, CA
Nicolo GallettiPleasanton, CA
Adam GreeneMonterey, CA
Chris GriggsCarmichael , CA
Stephen GriggsFoster City, CA
Jeffrey HammDanville, CA
Alex HartzellSan Francisco, CA
Ben HunterDavis, CA
Kevin KobalterSan Rafael, CA
Troy LaughlinYorba Linda, CA
Haejun LeeScotts valley, CA
O. LinCupertino, CA
Barry LogarFairfield, CA
Juan Lopezlakeport, CA
Anthony MachiPleasanton, CA
Matt MaherLos Altos, CA
Chris MangoldVictorville, CA
David MannixOrinda, CA
Andrew MatagranoHillsborough, USA
Timothy MoranSoquel, CA
Chris Moreno-HuntOakland, CA
Lawrence O'NeillSalinas, CA
Mark OrtegaLas Vegas, NV
Robert PardenSaratoga, CA
Weston PayneBerkeley, CA
Adam PetrocelliSalinas, USA
Tharusyan PillaySan Jose, CA
Dennis PolitiLos Gatos, CA
Marcus PotterSan Jose, CA
Edward PulpanSoquel, CA
Joshua Pulpansaratoga, CA
Tyler RaberEl Macero, CA
Cameron RappleyeElk Grove, CA
Grant RappleyeRancho Cordova, CA
Hunter RappleyeElk Grove, CA
Dave RathjenSan Jose, CA
Drew RobbinsFair Oaks, CA
Andrew RobertsSacramento, CA
Austin RobertsCarmichael, CA
Chris RoboneDanville, CA
Travis RowneyLivermore, CA
Nick SakoMenlo Park, CA
John ScholtzSan Jose, CA
Ben ShurVentura, CA
paul smithTURLOCK, CA
David StaszkoSan Jose, CA
Jordan SwansonElk Grove, CA
Tak TaoyamaSan Jose, CA
Eric TaylorSacramento, CA
Owen TaylorSan Juan Capistrano, CA
Nick ThomasWestlake Village, CA
Michael TolladayFresno, CA
Bret WagarMorgan Hill, CA
Steven WarneSanta Rosa, CA
Michael WeaverFresno, CA
Matt WilliamsChico, CA
Steve WilsonAntioch, CA
Pete WlodkowskiSan Diego, CA
Mark WyllieSan Jose, CA
Timothy YagerSan Jose, CA
Gary ZancanelliLeawood, KS
Senior Championship
Vince AdamsHinton St Mary, England
Rob AdolphFresno, CA
Eric BoyceStockton, CA
Jeff BrittonCarmel, USA
Tom CraigLafayette, CA
Michael DonnellySanta Cruz, CA
Steve DonnellySalinas, CA
Neil DuffySanta Cruz, CA
Robert GoodwinAtherton, CA
Herb JensenCarmichael , CA
Jim KnollSunnyvale, CA
Pierre LaMotheCarmel, CA
Gary ManierySacramento, CA
Mark MillerMarina, CA
Ken NoonanPacific Grove, CA
Tyler RaberEl Macero, CA
Kevin RappleyeElk Grove, CA
Charles RichesinLodi, CA
Rob SchneiderNevada City, CA
John SeedSea Ranch, CA
Craig SwarthoutSan Jose, CA
Frank AngeloMoraga, CA
Charles BalishaTurlock, CA
John BorrelliNewman, CA
Scott CarelliMenlo Park, CA
James CottonDavis, CA
Lyle CovinoBrisbane, CA
Rob HilemanDenair, CA
Richard HochTurlock, CA
Gene HouseKentfield, CA
Todd KnappSalinas, CA
Fred LuperHidden Valley Lake, CA
Nilo MiaSan Francisco, CA
Dave NikitinVacaville, CA
Marc SandersTurlock, CA
Tom SilvaTurlock, CA
Vincent SteeleConcord, CA
Tony SumidaTemple City, CA
Rob VieiraStockton, CA

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Access Code:

Hyatt Regency Monterey
1 Old Golf Course Rd.
Monterey, CA 93940

NOTE: This hotel is adjacent to one of our host courses (Del Monte) and the negotiated room rate of $119 (wow!) for the 2011 Christmas Classic includes the waiver of resort fee. It's a great deal!

To book your room, call 888-421-1442 and reference group amateurgolf.com

Transcend the ordinary at Hyatt Regency Monterey Hotel & Spa on Del Monte Golf Course. Multi-million dollar renovations elevate Monterey’s largest luxury conference hotel to a new plateau of excellence. A spacious new lobby invites relaxation with a soothing fireplace and cozy seating areas - perfect for conversations or listening to live Jazz. Restyled accommodations in our pampering Monterey hotel redefine luxury with patios, flat screen TVs, walk-in rain showers and more.

Plan a perfect day at our Monterey California hotel, with a round on Pebble Beach Company's championship Del Monte Golf Course, followed by a swim and the extraordinary cuisine of our popular new restaurant, TusCA Ristorante. Discover the true meaning of casual elegance at this welcoming hotel in Monterey Bay.

Contact Information

Brandie Hammontree, Tournament Coordinator
AmateurGolf.com, Inc.
6965 El Camino Real #105-631
Carlsbad, CA 92009

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6965 El Camino Real 105-631
Carlsbad, CA 92009

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