AmateurGolf.com 2016 Christmas Classic presented by Callaway Golf
December 03 - 04 2016
Monterey, CA


Tournament Overview

The Christmas Classic was founded by 2-time California State Amateur Champion Casey Boyns over 20 years ago and it always attracts a great field. This is our most popular event, and year in and year out it sells out. Field limited to 108 players.

Your entry fee includes two rounds of golf (cart at players expense), $4500 in prizes, $20 lunch certificate, $25 Callaway gift card, and a great weekend at one of the Monterey Peninsula's wonderful classic courses, "Old" Del Monte.

Search Terms

Format: Stroke Play
Categories: Men, Men Senior, Women
Regions: Northern California, Southern California


Del Monte Golf Course Del Monte Golf Course
1300 Sylvan Rd
Monterey, CA  93940-4944
phone: 831-373-2700 or 800-654-9300
url: www.pebblebeach.com

Tournament News

17071141Ashkaan HakimSan Ramon, CA
27567142Lucas LamBerkeley, CA
37073143Sebastian CramptonPacific Grove, CA
37172143Ben DoyleLa Jolla, CA
37271143Zachary LiberatoreElk Grove, CA
67173144KK LimbhasutBerkeley, CA
67074144Sean YuSan Jose, CA
87174145Walker HuddyBerkeley, CA
87669145Clayton MadeyBerkeley, CA
107274146Stephen GriggsFoster City, CA
107670146Cody HallWildomar, CA
107373146Alex ParkSanta Clara, CA
137374147Sean EtowAptos, CA
137176147Ned JensenSan Diego, CA
137275147Daren JohnsonLas Vegas , NV
167573148Ryan HelgansAlamo, CA
177475149Ahmed AliPOWAY, CA
177376149Ethan ChenFremont, CA
177673149Alex helgansAlamo, CA
207575150Christian BankeSCOTTSDALE, AZ
207872150Daniel PenaModesto, CA
207872150Vijay SrinivasanFremont, CA
207575150Matthew WatkinsNovato, CA
247972151William AldredBerkeley, CA
247972151Nicholas CantlayLos Alamitos, CA
248170151Joseph GerardiClovis, CA
247675151Spencer LeaderOakland, CA
287379152Niels AndersenLong Beach, CA
287676152Robert BriggsNovato, CA
307776153Jesse BratzSacramento, CA
307677153Grant FairbairnOrinda, CA
308370153Benjamin HallamFresno, CA
308073153Max MeltzerCorralitos, CA
347282154Aaron ChenFremont, CA
347975154Finigan TillySAN CARLOS, CA
347975154Alexander WilsonBerkeley, CA
377877155Tanner ChoateAcampo, CA
377481155Devyn FitchhornVacaville, CA
377778155John FraciscoPleasanton, CA
408076156Clark TaylorMission Viejo, CA
408076156jay wardModesto, CA
427879157Maxwell FerrariFramingham, MA
438474158Moibhi TyndallMountain View, CA
448278160Brendan HopkinsDanville, CA
459072162Sean EdgecumbeLos Altos, CA
468479163Ron SiskeyGrover Beach, CA
478381164Juan Lopezlakeport, CA
488383166Paul LiberatoreElk Grove, CA
498089169Zach LentSan Francisco, CA
508487171Clint WalkerRancho Cordova, CA
519974173Brandon BakerBay Point, CA
529894192Holland SuttonSan Mateo, CA
5371WDWDEthan ChungEastvale, CA
53WDWDBrandon GamaSanta Barbara, CA
53WDWDJon LarsonSanta Cruz, CA
5385WDWDJack McBrideRocklin, CA
Senior Championship
17274146David NelsonLittleton, CO
27177148Kevin KobalterSan Rafael, CA
27474148Hank McCuskerMendocino, CA
47777154Don EklundSan Diego, CA
47876154Todd PalmaerCarmel, CA
67679155Bob BurnettPiedmont, CA
68075155David HalvorsonOakdale, CA
87680156Mark MillerMarina, CA
98178159Charles RichesinLodi, CA
108378161Geoff CouchWatsonville, CA
118676162Ronald ColletFresno, CA
118478162Steve DonnellySalinas, CA
138382165Michael DonnellySanta Cruz, CA
138382165Jay GuerinFremont, CA
138481165Tony RalphSunnyvale, CA
168784171James NelsonSan Jose, CA
178488172Ryan KimPalo Alto, CA
189485179Jorgen Michael JensenFALLBROOK, CA
198585Rich RowleySan Jose, CA
2073WDWDJeff BrittonCarmel, USA
2084WDWDRobert GoodwinAtherton, CA
17278150Lyle CovinoBrisbane, CA
27577152Mark HealdTurlock, CA
37678154Charles BalishaTurlock, CA
47778155Paul ParreiraLos Banos, CA
57878156Craig PhilippsGrass Valley, CA
67784161Abi VickramMountain House, CA
78479163Steve WardaTurlock, CA
88480164David ParreiraLos Banos, CA
98779166Scott CarelliMenlo Park, CA
108681167Frank AngeloMoraga, CA
118092172Dave GouveiaGrass valley, CA
129188179Mike SlyMountain View, CA
13DQDQChris LaddSanta Rosa, CA

Pairings for Round 2 on Sunday December 4 follow.

Tee #10A 09:00 AM
Bob BurnettPiedmont, CASenior Championship
Don EklundSan Diego, CASenior Championship
Mark MillerMarina, CASenior Championship
Todd PalmaerCarmel, CASenior Championship
Tee #10B 09:00 AM
Kevin KobalterSan Rafael, CASenior Championship
Hank McCuskerMendocino, CASenior Championship
David NelsonLittleton, COSenior Championship
Tee #11A 09:00 AM
Geoff CouchWatsonville, CASenior Championship
Jay GuerinFremont, CASenior Championship
David HalvorsonOakdale, CASenior Championship
Charles RichesinLodi, CASenior Championship
Tee #12A 09:00 AM
Michael DonnellySanta Cruz, CASenior Championship
Steve DonnellySalinas, CASenior Championship
Tee #13A 09:00 AM
Ryan KimPalo Alto, CASenior Championship
Tony RalphSunnyvale, CASenior Championship
Rich RowleySan Jose, CASenior Championship
Tee #14A 09:00 AM
Ronald ColletFresno, CASenior Championship
Jorgen Michael JensenFALLBROOK, CASenior Championship
Chris LaddSanta Rosa, CANet
James NelsonSan Jose, CASenior Championship
Tee #15A 09:00 AM
Charles BalishaTurlock, CANet
Lyle CovinoBrisbane, CANet
Mark HealdTurlock, CANet
Paul ParreiraLos Banos, CANet
Tee #16A 09:00 AM
Frank AngeloMoraga, CANet
Scott CarelliMenlo Park, CANet
David ParreiraLos Banos, CANet
Steve WardaTurlock, CANet
Tee #16B 09:00 AM
Dave GouveiaGrass valley, CANet
Craig PhilippsGrass Valley, CANet
Mike SlyMountain View, CANet
Abi VickramMountain House, CANet
Tee #17A 09:00 AM
Ron SiskeyGrover Beach, CAChampionship
Clint WalkerRancho Cordova, CAChampionship
Tee #17B 09:00 AM
Benjamin HallamFresno, CAChampionship
Paul LiberatoreElk Grove, CAChampionship
Juan Lopezlakeport, CAChampionship
Tee #18A 09:00 AM
Brandon BakerBay Point, CAChampionship
Sean EdgecumbeLos Altos, CAChampionship
Holland SuttonSan Mateo, CAChampionship
Moibhi TyndallMountain View, CAChampionship
Tee #1A 09:00 AM
Walker HuddyBerkeley, CAChampionship
Ned JensenSan Diego, CAChampionship
KK LimbhasutBerkeley, CAChampionship
Tee #1B 09:00 AM
Sebastian CramptonPacific Grove, CAChampionship
Ben DoyleLa Jolla, CAChampionship
Ashkaan HakimSan Ramon, CAChampionship
Sean YuSan Jose, CAChampionship
Tee #2A 09:00 AM
Aaron ChenFremont, CAChampionship
Stephen GriggsFoster City, CAChampionship
Daren JohnsonLas Vegas , NVChampionship
Zachary LiberatoreElk Grove, CAChampionship
Tee #3A 09:00 AM
Ahmed AliPOWAY, CAChampionship
Devyn FitchhornVacaville, CAChampionship
Lucas LamBerkeley, CAChampionship
Matthew WatkinsNovato, CAChampionship
Tee #3B 09:00 AM
Niels AndersenLong Beach, CAChampionship
Ethan ChenFremont, CAChampionship
Sean EtowAptos, CAChampionship
Alex ParkSanta Clara, CAChampionship
Tee #4A 09:00 AM
Christian BankeSCOTTSDALE, AZChampionship
Grant FairbairnOrinda, CAChampionship
Cody HallWildomar, CAChampionship
Ryan HelgansAlamo, CAChampionship
Tee #5A 09:00 AM
Robert BriggsNovato, CAChampionship
Alex helgansAlamo, CAChampionship
Spencer LeaderOakland, CAChampionship
Clayton MadeyBerkeley, CAChampionship
Tee #6A 09:00 AM
Jesse BratzSacramento, CAChampionship
Tanner ChoateAcampo, CAChampionship
Maxwell FerrariFramingham, MAChampionship
John FraciscoPleasanton, CAChampionship
Tee #7A 09:00 AM
William AldredBerkeley, CAChampionship
Daniel PenaModesto, CAChampionship
Vijay SrinivasanFremont, CAChampionship
Alexander WilsonBerkeley, CAChampionship
Tee #8A 09:00 AM
Nicholas CantlayLos Alamitos, CAChampionship
Max MeltzerCorralitos, CAChampionship
Clark TaylorMission Viejo, CAChampionship
Finigan TillySAN CARLOS, CAChampionship
Tee #9A 09:00 AM
Joseph GerardiClovis, CAChampionship
Brendan HopkinsDanville, CAChampionship
Zach LentSan Francisco, CAChampionship
jay wardModesto, CAChampionship

William AldredBerkeley, CA
Ahmed AliPOWAY, CA
Niels AndersenLong Beach, CA
Brandon BakerBay Point, CA
Christian BankeSCOTTSDALE, AZ
Jesse BratzSacramento, CA
Robert BriggsNovato, CA
Nicholas CantlayLos Alamitos, CA
Aaron ChenFremont, CA
Ethan ChenFremont, CA
Tanner ChoateAcampo, CA
Ethan ChungEastvale, CA
Sebastian CramptonPacific Grove, CA
Ben DoyleLa Jolla, CA
Sean EdgecumbeLos Altos, CA
Sean EtowAptos, CA
Grant FairbairnOrinda, CA
Maxwell FerrariFramingham, MA
Devyn FitchhornVacaville, CA
John FraciscoPleasanton, CA
Brandon GamaSanta Barbara, CA
Joseph GerardiClovis, CA
Stephen GriggsFoster City, CA
Ashkaan HakimSan Ramon, CA
Cody HallWildomar, CA
Benjamin HallamFresno, CA
Alex helgansAlamo, CA
Ryan HelgansAlamo, CA
Brendan HopkinsDanville, CA
Walker HuddyBerkeley, CA
Ned JensenSan Diego, CA
Daren JohnsonLas Vegas , NV
Lucas LamBerkeley, CA
Jon LarsonSanta Cruz, CA
Spencer LeaderOakland, CA
Zach LentSan Francisco, CA
Paul LiberatoreElk Grove, CA
Zachary LiberatoreElk Grove, CA
KK LimbhasutBerkeley, CA
Juan Lopezlakeport, CA
Clayton MadeyBerkeley, CA
Jack McBrideRocklin, CA
Max MeltzerCorralitos, CA
Alex ParkSanta Clara, CA
Daniel PenaModesto, CA
Ron SiskeyGrover Beach, CA
Vijay SrinivasanFremont, CA
Holland SuttonSan Mateo, CA
Clark TaylorMission Viejo, CA
Finigan TillySAN CARLOS, CA
Moibhi TyndallMountain View, CA
Clint WalkerRancho Cordova, CA
jay wardModesto, CA
Matthew WatkinsNovato, CA
Alexander WilsonBerkeley, CA
Sean YuSan Jose, CA
Senior Championship
Jeff BrittonCarmel, USA
Bob BurnettPiedmont, CA
Ronald ColletFresno, CA
Geoff CouchWatsonville, CA
Michael DonnellySanta Cruz, CA
Steve DonnellySalinas, CA
Don EklundSan Diego, CA
Robert GoodwinAtherton, CA
Jay GuerinFremont, CA
David HalvorsonOakdale, CA
Jorgen Michael JensenFALLBROOK, CA
Ryan KimPalo Alto, CA
Kevin KobalterSan Rafael, CA
Hank McCuskerMendocino, CA
Mark MillerMarina, CA
David NelsonLittleton, CO
James NelsonSan Jose, CA
Todd PalmaerCarmel, CA
Tony RalphSunnyvale, CA
Charles RichesinLodi, CA
Rich RowleySan Jose, CA
Frank AngeloMoraga, CA
Charles BalishaTurlock, CA
Scott CarelliMenlo Park, CA
Lyle CovinoBrisbane, CA
Dave GouveiaGrass valley, CA
Mark HealdTurlock, CA
Chris LaddSanta Rosa, CA
David ParreiraLos Banos, CA
Paul ParreiraLos Banos, CA
Craig PhilippsGrass Valley, CA
Mike SlyMountain View, CA
Abi VickramMountain House, CA
Steve WardaTurlock, CA

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Access Code:

Carmel Mission Inn
3665 Rio Rd.
Carmel, CA 93923

We have a new Carmel/Monterey hotel, and you'll love the amenities and location!
The Carmel Mission Inn is located perfectly for any of AmateurGolf.com's Monterey Peninsula events. We love the hotel's boutique-style renovation, and location adjacent to a shopping center that has everything you would need to enjoy the weekend. Longtime Carmel-favorite The Rio Grill is steps away, as is The Carmel Valley Roasting Company for your morning coffee and bagels. We have secured an excellent player rate and hope you will take advantage of it.

Contact Information

Brandie Hammontree, Tournament Coordinator
AmateurGolf.com, Inc.
6965 El Camino Real #105-631
Carlsbad, CA 92009

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Carlsbad, CA 92009

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