amateurgolf.com 2011 Monterey Bay Championship
May 28 - 29 2011
Seaside, CA


Tournament Overview

Tournament Description:
Challenge your game at Bayonet Black Horse, which has hosted the California State Amateur, the Champions Tour First Tee Classic, the PGA Tour's west coast qualifying events, and more.

You won't believe the makeover that is now complete at all 36 holes, which can only be said to move the resort from fantastic to truly world class.

The tournament is 36 Holes, with three Divisions:

-Championship (5.4 and under)
-Senior (8.0 and under)
-Handicap (5.5-15.0)

** NCGA Points event- part of the amateurgolf.com Tournament Series

Search Terms

Format: Stroke Play
Categories: Men, Men Senior
Regions: Northern California, Pacific, Southern California


Bayonet Black Horse - Black Horse Bayonet Black Horse - Black Horse
1 McClure Way
Seaside, CA  93955-7100
phone: (831) 899-7271
url: www.bayonetblackhorse.com

Tournament News

17273145Jered StoneTarzana, CA
27671147Dash LindsellSan Mateo, CA
37375148Randy HaagOrinda, USA
47772149Matt CohnSan Francisco, CA
57576151Ben DraperSalinas, CA
57576151Clark Gates-Georgeplacerville, CA
57576151Robby SalomonMarina, CA
88074154Steven WarneSanta Rosa, CA
97680156Mac McClungFremont, CA
97977156Adam PetrocelliSalinas, USA
117978157Terry ForemanBrentwood, CA
117780157Barry LogarFairfield, CA
138375158David MannixOrinda, CA
137979158Chris Moreno-HuntOakland, CA
157584159Ben ShurVentura, CA
157881159Kevin SmithSaratoga, CA
177486160Andrew MatagranoHillsborough, USA
178179160Kraig James McleodSan Francisco, CA
197982161Leone HansenSeaside, CA
197586161Brian SwensonDublin, CA
217884162Stan MorrisonSan Francisco, CA
228083163Johnny RamirezBrentwood, CA
227786163William RobertsLos Altos, CA
247789166Matthew GarciaBurlingame, CA
257988167John HolmChula Vista, CA
268385168Alex HuntBeaverton, OR
268484168Brock MathewsLodi, CA
268286168Fredrik PalmerWalnut Creek, CA
268583168Keith SwitzerLivermore, CA
308090170jason farialivermore, CA
308684170Casey PittockLos Gatos, CA
328489173John AitkenHayward, CA
329182173Sean EtowAptos, CA
329083173Mark Macorsacramento, CA
358292174Rick JamesSan Jose, CA
368887175Greg RobertsTX
368590175Jordan SedlockDanville, CA
388691177Haejun LeeScotts valley, CA
398990179Chris RoboneDanville, CA
408199180Todd EdwardsSunnyvale, CA
419893191Reggie SpiersPatterson, CA
4291dqdqGreg WardleSan Francisco, CA
43wdwdsean berardipetaluma, CA
Senior Championship
1Stephen BurdickReno, NV
27074144Mark MillerMarina, CA
37078148Richard PetitMenlo Park, CA
47578153John EnrightMontara, CA
47578153Herb JensenCarmichael , CA
47875153Ray KongSan Jose, CA
77778155Michael HardingEncinitas, CA
78075155Ben WhippleMarietta, SC
97879157Rob AdolphFresno, CA
107781158Dave StoneDanville, CA
107979158Cyrus WhitneyOro Valley, AZ
128376159Robert GoodwinAtherton, CA
138181162Peter MorenDanville, CA
148282164Bob SchoenherrLincoln, CA
158583168Tim GrunskyStockton, CA
168787174Mike MurphyIrvine, CA
178989178Craig SwarthoutSan Jose, CA
188895183Michael DonovanPebble Beach, CA
189687183Edward StricklandAlameda, CA
209590185Martin WisemanRichmond, CA
2181wdwdNeil DuffySanta Cruz, CA
17371144Joseph ChoMonterey, CA
27274146Al RichardsonNewark, CA
47374147Frank AngeloMoraga, CA
47572147Charles BalishaTurlock, CA
67474148Andrew LoftusSalinas, CA
77772149Bryan BeaverOakley, CA
87278150Allen SuzukiSan Francisco, CA
97775152Roger SoellSalinas, CA
107677153Rick ShawLong Beach, CA
117678154Matt RomigLos Gatos, CA
127779156Lyle CovinoBrisbane, CA
127581156Scott HenriksonLaguna Niguel, CA
127482156Andrew HicksonVacaville, CA
158078158Gene HouseKentfield, CA
167881159Christopher BiornAlameda, CA
167881159Andre FitzpatrickWeatherford, TX
167881159Kevin LoganSan Francisco, CA
167980159Owen McCumberSparks, NV
208179160Frank BorgesModesto, CA
208179160Dennis NunesStockton, CA
227784161Korsen YuSanta Cruz, CA
238481165Les DunstonFoster City, CA
248187168Kevin LaneSan Jose, CA
259376169Dave NikitinVacaville, CA
258089169Charlie SmithRipon, CA
278887175Scott CarelliMenlo Park, CA

Pairings for Round 2 on Sunday May 29 follow.

BY Tee #10A 08:30 AM
John EnrightMontara, CASenior Championship
Herb JensenCarmichael , CASenior Championship
Mark MillerMarina, CASenior Championship
Richard PetitMenlo Park, CASenior Championship
BY Tee #10B 08:30 AM
Rob AdolphFresno, CASenior Championship
Michael HardingEncinitas, CASenior Championship
Ray KongSan Jose, CASenior Championship
Dave StoneDanville, CASenior Championship
BY Tee #11A 08:30 AM
Bryan BeaverOakley, CANet
Scott HenriksonLaguna Niguel, CANet
Matt RomigLos Gatos, CANet
Rick ShawLong Beach, CANet
BY Tee #11B 08:30 AM
Lyle CovinoBrisbane, CANet
Kevin LoganSan Francisco, CANet
Roger SoellSalinas, CANet
Korsen YuSanta Cruz, CANet
BY Tee #12A 08:30 AM
Frank AngeloMoraga, CANet
Al RichardsonNewark, CANet
Allen SuzukiSan Francisco, CANet
BY Tee #12B 08:30 AM
Charles BalishaTurlock, CANet
Joseph ChoMonterey, CANet
Andrew LoftusSalinas, CANet
BY Tee #13A 08:30 AM
Scott CarelliMenlo Park, CANet
Les DunstonFoster City, CANet
Andrew HicksonVacaville, CANet
Dave NikitinVacaville, CANet
BY Tee #13B 08:30 AM
Haejun LeeScotts valley, CAChampionship
Casey PittockLos Gatos, CAChampionship
Jordan SedlockDanville, CAChampionship
Keith SwitzerLivermore, CAChampionship
BY Tee #14A 08:30 AM
Sean EtowAptos, CAChampionship
Reggie SpiersPatterson, CAChampionship
BY Tee #14B 08:30 AM
Mark Macorsacramento, CAChampionship
Greg RobertsTXChampionship
Chris RoboneDanville, CAChampionship
BY Tee #15A 08:30 AM
John AitkenHayward, CAChampionship
Alex HuntBeaverton, ORChampionship
David MannixOrinda, CAChampionship
Brock MathewsLodi, CAChampionship
BY Tee #16A 08:30 AM
jason farialivermore, CAChampionship
Terry ForemanBrentwood, CAChampionship
Johnny RamirezBrentwood, CAChampionship
Steven WarneSanta Rosa, CAChampionship
BY Tee #16B 08:30 AM
Todd EdwardsSunnyvale, CAChampionship
Rick JamesSan Jose, CAChampionship
Kraig James McleodSan Francisco, CAChampionship
Fredrik PalmerWalnut Creek, CAChampionship
BY Tee #17A 08:30 AM
Matt CohnSan Francisco, CAChampionship
Matthew GarciaBurlingame, CAChampionship
Stan MorrisonSan Francisco, CAChampionship
Kevin SmithSaratoga, CAChampionship
BY Tee #17B 08:30 AM
Leone HansenSeaside, CAChampionship
John HolmChula Vista, CAChampionship
Chris Moreno-HuntOakland, CAChampionship
Adam PetrocelliSalinas, USAChampionship
BY Tee #18A 08:30 AM
Dash LindsellSan Mateo, CAChampionship
Barry LogarFairfield, CAChampionship
Mac McClungFremont, CAChampionship
William RobertsLos Altos, CAChampionship
BY Tee #1A 08:30 AM
Clark Gates-Georgeplacerville, CAChampionship
Randy HaagOrinda, USAChampionship
Andrew MatagranoHillsborough, USAChampionship
Jered StoneTarzana, CAChampionship
BY Tee #1B 08:30 AM
Ben DraperSalinas, CAChampionship
Robby SalomonMarina, CAChampionship
Ben ShurVentura, CAChampionship
Brian SwensonDublin, CAChampionship
BY Tee #7A 08:30 AM
Christopher BiornAlameda, CANet
Andre FitzpatrickWeatherford, TXNet
Owen McCumberSparks, NVNet
Charlie SmithRipon, CANet
BY Tee #7B 08:30 AM
Frank BorgesModesto, CANet
Gene HouseKentfield, CANet
Kevin LaneSan Jose, CANet
Dennis NunesStockton, CANet
BY Tee #8A 08:30 AM
Michael DonovanPebble Beach, CASenior Championship
Edward StricklandAlameda, CASenior Championship
Craig SwarthoutSan Jose, CASenior Championship
Martin WisemanRichmond, CASenior Championship
BY Tee #9A 08:30 AM
Peter MorenDanville, CASenior Championship
Ben WhippleMarietta, SCSenior Championship
Cyrus WhitneyOro Valley, AZSenior Championship
BY Tee #9B 08:30 AM
Robert GoodwinAtherton, CASenior Championship
Tim GrunskyStockton, CASenior Championship
Mike MurphyIrvine, CASenior Championship
Bob SchoenherrLincoln, CASenior Championship

John AitkenHayward, CA
sean berardipetaluma, CA
Matt CohnSan Francisco, CA
Ben DraperSalinas, CA
Todd EdwardsSunnyvale, CA
Sean EtowAptos, CA
jason farialivermore, CA
Terry ForemanBrentwood, CA
Matthew GarciaBurlingame, CA
Clark Gates-Georgeplacerville, CA
Randy HaagOrinda, USA
Leone HansenSeaside, CA
John HolmChula Vista, CA
Alex HuntBeaverton, OR
Rick JamesSan Jose, CA
Haejun LeeScotts valley, CA
Dash LindsellSan Mateo, CA
Barry LogarFairfield, CA
Mark Macorsacramento, CA
David MannixOrinda, CA
Andrew MatagranoHillsborough, USA
Brock MathewsLodi, CA
Mac McClungFremont, CA
Kraig James McleodSan Francisco, CA
Chris Moreno-HuntOakland, CA
Stan MorrisonSan Francisco, CA
Fredrik PalmerWalnut Creek, CA
Adam PetrocelliSalinas, USA
Casey PittockLos Gatos, CA
Johnny RamirezBrentwood, CA
Greg RobertsTX
William RobertsLos Altos, CA
Chris RoboneDanville, CA
Robby SalomonMarina, CA
Jordan SedlockDanville, CA
Ben ShurVentura, CA
Kevin SmithSaratoga, CA
Reggie SpiersPatterson, CA
Jered StoneTarzana, CA
Brian SwensonDublin, CA
Keith SwitzerLivermore, CA
Greg WardleSan Francisco, CA
Steven WarneSanta Rosa, CA
Senior Championship
Rob AdolphFresno, CA
Stephen BurdickReno, NV
Michael DonovanPebble Beach, CA
Neil DuffySanta Cruz, CA
John EnrightMontara, CA
Robert GoodwinAtherton, CA
Tim GrunskyStockton, CA
Michael HardingEncinitas, CA
Herb JensenCarmichael , CA
Ray KongSan Jose, CA
Mark MillerMarina, CA
Peter MorenDanville, CA
Mike MurphyIrvine, CA
Richard PetitMenlo Park, CA
Bob SchoenherrLincoln, CA
Dave StoneDanville, CA
Edward StricklandAlameda, CA
Craig SwarthoutSan Jose, CA
Ben WhippleMarietta, SC
Cyrus WhitneyOro Valley, AZ
Martin WisemanRichmond, CA
Frank AngeloMoraga, CA
Charles BalishaTurlock, CA
Bryan BeaverOakley, CA
Christopher BiornAlameda, CA
Frank BorgesModesto, CA
Scott CarelliMenlo Park, CA
Joseph ChoMonterey, CA
Lyle CovinoBrisbane, CA
Les DunstonFoster City, CA
Andre FitzpatrickWeatherford, TX
Scott HenriksonLaguna Niguel, CA
Andrew HicksonVacaville, CA
Gene HouseKentfield, CA
Kevin LaneSan Jose, CA
Andrew LoftusSalinas, CA
Kevin LoganSan Francisco, CA
Owen McCumberSparks, NV
Dave NikitinVacaville, CA
Dennis NunesStockton, CA
Al RichardsonNewark, CA
Matt RomigLos Gatos, CA
Rick ShawLong Beach, CA
Charlie SmithRipon, CA
Roger SoellSalinas, CA
Allen SuzukiSan Francisco, CA
Korsen YuSanta Cruz, CA

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Contact Information

Brandie Hammontree, Tournament Coordinator
AmateurGolf.com, Inc.
6965 El Camino Real #105-631
Carlsbad, CA 92009

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